Monday, October 29, 2007

Surprising Reasons Why Men Leave Relationships (And How To Handle It)

After a relationship ends, whether it's a 20 year marriage or a promising romance, women ask themselves over and over, what went wrong? They ask themselves, their girlfriends and their therapists. Sometimes they even spend weeks and months blaming themselves and become afraid to try again. Once they know what really happened, it's always easier to move on.

Below are some top reasons men leave and some guidelines on how to handle this. They're Waiting For The Perfect Partner

Some men have a secret fantasy which whispers that a perfect partner is somewhere, around the corner, waiting for him. This perfect partner will not only accept him as he is fully, but he'll finally be able to express the parts of himself that are hidden. She'll bring out the best in him. Rather than criticize and make demands, the perfect partner will give unconditionally and fulfill his every need. This fantasy should not be discounted, as it fuels much of this man's inner life. When a woman understands this fantasy fully, she has a secret for helping the man really thrive.

They Hear A Call To Adventure

As soon as some men see a relationship as stifling his basic need for adventure, he can feel himself to be trapped in a prison without bars. Many men then blame the relationship for the dilemma he is in. They do not realize that their true need is to find adventure in the relationship. A woman who does best in this kind of relationship is one who provides challenge. They Suffer From A Fear Of Commitment

The fear of commitment is widely misunderstood. Commitment is inevitable when a man is living from the truth of who he is. When a man, however, is in a relationship out of obligation, guilt, on or to fulfill a false sense of self-esteem, no real commitment is possible. If he's not committing, it's because he doesn't feel things are right for him.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Better Man


"Better Man"

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man

Go easy on my conscience
'Cause it's not my fault
I know I've been taught
To take the blame

Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
I'm in pain

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man

Once you've found that lover
You're homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around

I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But Love is all around

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doin' all I can
To be a better man

Travel Tips

Travel Tips

It's always important to take care of your health, whether you're at home or on the road, but there are some additional concerns that are important to keep in mind when you're traveling.

Whether you're taking a trip with your family or plan to live abroad for several months for a study program, it's easier to get sick when you're in a new place because your body hasn't had a chance to adjust to the food, water, and air in a new environment. Traveling can bring you in contact with things that your body isn't used to. Continue reading for tips on keeping your travel experience as healthy as possible.
Don't Take a Vacation From Health

The stress and excitement of travel can make you more likely to get sick, but if you follow a few simple tips, you're more likely to stay healthy throughout your trip - and your trip will definitely be more enjoyable. The good news is that as a teen, your immune system is as strong as an adult's, but lack of sleep and a poor diet can make it easier for you to become sick.

The first thing you should do if you're heading overseas is to find out what kinds of vaccinations you'll need in advance because different countries have different requirements. In the United States, contact your doctor or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a list of necessary vaccinations. You'll want to allow plenty of time for this step in case you need to get vaccines that require more than one dose.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pisces Love compatibility

Pisces and Cancer love compatibility
This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. They are a good pair in the field of sex. They are both sympathetic and try to support each other. Probably the Cancer will be the leader, because of the the Pisces' inclination for some eccentricity in love affairs. The quarrels are usually short and quickly come to an end in bed. They are perfectly fit for each other. They can spend their time during day and during night with the same result and the sentimental combination of these two signs make for an ideal marriage.




Scrapbooking Tips

Tip 1: Pick the brightest to lead the layout.

LeNae selected the brightest, most vibrant of her beach photos and added a coordinating bright pink mat behind it. She angled two photos on either side of the top of the page and added a pen outline around them to create a faux mat. LeNae centered the bright matted photo on top of the other two images. This photo catches the eye first and leads into the other images. A smaller photo at the page bottom also uses the bright pink mat, which draws the eye and leads a viewer into the journaling. Penwork swirls, silk flowers and brads and a flip-flop Brad Buddy™ keep the page bright, light and fun.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Pisces Me..

Your most likeable trait: COMPASSION

Just as the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, represents a new beginning so the twelfth and last sign, Pisces, is the end of the circle, the sign of eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. Many astrologers say that Pisces is a link to the spirit world and that you who are born under this sign are old souls, for they believe Pisceans to have experienced other lives in the past.

Pisceans have an other-worldly quality. In mystical terms, you are described as being half-body and half-spirit, pulled between material existence and spiritual concerns, possessed of the knowledge that you will never be entirely at home in the real world.

Like natives of the other water signs (Cancer and Scorpio), you have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche. Subtle and intuitive, you are born with the gift of prophecy, and may even become involved in the occult, ESP, and spiritualism. If you get a hunch, others would be wise to pay attention.

Ruled by Neptune, planet of mystery and illusion, your personality is elusive, fey, and quick-silvery. Your element is water, and the imagery of the sea is evident in how easily you adapt to the ever-shifting currents around you. More than natives of any other sign, you are enormously influenced by your surroundings and by the people who touch your life. Indeed, you have a unique ability to get under another person's skin, to take literally as your own another's problems, joys, and woes. At times you give away the very strength and emotional security you need for yourself.


Should I 'Go All the Way'?

Should I 'Go All the Way'?

The decision to lose your virginity requires a lot of careful thought. Two important factors to consider are sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and birth control (such as condoms, the "pill," diaphragms, and spermicidal lubricants).

There is a lot of information out there about STIs, and you need to make sure you're aware of the risks, the types of infections, and ways to prevent infections. Pregnancy is another extremely important consideration -- it should not be taken lightly or left up to chance. Do your research about both STIs and pregnancy before making any decisions about having sex.

Peer pressure, morality, religion, and your own values will also play a major role in your decision to have sex. Your decision should be yours alone, rather than your peers'. Make sure you are fully comfortable with your decision on an emotional and spiritual level before you go through with it.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

The World's 101 Hottest Women with Tattoos for 2007

1. Angelina Jolie - Actress, humanitarian, Queen of the Hotties, has an ever growing number of assorted tattoos (3 full pages!) One of her latest shows the latitude & longitude of the birthplaces of her adopted children (over her lasered off Billy Bob tattoo). Angelina is one of the hottest women on the planet - the fact that she has tattoos is like icing on the cupcake!

2. Jessica Alba - Actress has flower and ladybug on back of her neck, Sanskrit character for lotus flower on her wrist, a bow tattoo on the small of her back.

3. Anne French - British model has 13+ tattoos, 3 on her legs, 2 on back (includes large male angel), 3 on her arms, 3 on stomach & 2 on her hands. She is SEXY beyond words.

4. Eva Longoria - Actress has small star shaped tattoo on inside of left wrist, a Celtic style cross on lower back, another tattoo at the top of her right butt cheek and her boyfriend's initials (TP) in an unknown intimate location.

5. Gisele Bundchen - Supermodel has small tattoo below bikini line, a star on the underside of her left wrist, she had a complete body suit tattoo (fake) done for an ad campaign, a crescent moon and stars on the inside of her right ankle.


Cutest Ever

The Cutest Animals Doing What They Do Best. (being Cute) - Click here for funny video clips

First Date

Dating can be hard. Or rather, going on one date can be easy but launching from one date into two or three may be more difficult. Because of this, here are another few things never to say or talk about on a first date, if you’d like a second.

- Why you hate your mother. Save it for your analyst, not for the woman or man you are trying to woo.

- Any physical aberrations. First dates are not the time to say, “Hey, I have six toes on my left foot” or “I have a third nipple.” Though that may pique a person’s interest for a look-see, it will automatically label you as “extra-toe chick” or “weird nipple guy” before the person even gets to know the real you.

- The number of people you slept with or haven’t slept with. This will either make you look cheap , like a prude, or desperate.

- The amount of money you make or don’t make. This will make you look like either a show-off or a complainer. Keep your finances to yourself for a while. It’s nobody’s business but yours, your accountants—if you have one, and the IRS.

- Favorite porn magazines or movies. If One Night in Paris was the best movie you ever saw, no one needs to know. The reason should be self-evident.

- Your biggest celebrity crush. No female will ever feel as attractive (or curvy) as Pamela Anderson. Don’t inadvertently put down your date by saying you’ve always had the hots for some hyper-plastic celebrity. A mere mortal will feel, “If that’s the type of people he goes for, I don’t have a chance.”

- Calculus, physics, or cold fusion—unless of course you both are mathematicians, scientists or computer engineers. Talking about “smart” things won’t necessarily make the look smart. It could make your date think you are a nerd, a geek, or pretentious.

- Don’t name drop, including place names. Though your date may be interested in your travels, he doesn’t need to know you went to The Hamptons and dined at the same restaurant as Billy Joel or that you went to St. Moritz and skied with the Royal Family. Even if you are a close friend of Will and Harry, first dates don’t need to know…otherwise see c) under 7.

- That time when you got really drunk. Does a date really need to hear about your stupidity, vomiting and passing out? Do you really need to relive it? Talking about drunken episodes makes you sound like a frat boy/sorority girl with a Peter Pan syndrome.

- Any previous first dates you’ve had. No one wants to be the next person on your list whose anecdotes will shared with another date. Respect people’s privacy and they’ll respect yours.

Following these simple rules…and a little chemistry…should get you to date number two.

My First Ever

Where should i start? How should i begin this? This is kinda hard for me. I've been posting blogs since last month but it's more of a copy and paste,the easiest way ever.

I want to post and tell about what had happened to me the whole day but when i 'm starting to recall everything,i just don't know where and how to begin and all the words in my head are starting to scramble. They even run and i just can't run after them. Funny but it's true. Maybe I just want it to be very nice and interesting or maybe it's because of my problem of expressing my self using the English dialect. I'm not really that good and i even doubt the words i used and even the grammar. The lack of confidence really affect me. As for now,i guess i don't have to say much and i don't have to think much. I don't want to stress my self. *sigh*

This is just for tonight. I'll post another one next time. A more personal one. Aye? Smile.

Increase your sex appeal, groom your looks and look sexier

Increase your sex appeal, groom your looks and look sexier


They say that there's a sex kitten simmering within every one of us. Well, if you feel a stab of envy every time you browse through a Cosmo or an Elle, it's about time you took that step -towards looking utterly sexy and sensuous. But assuming that you don't possess an hourglass figure, designer clothes or a million dollar smile, how can you unleash the sex kitten within you?

Well, looking sexy is a simpler feat than you might think.!

Love Your Body type.
You need to feel proud of your body type and make a note of your best features. Nice legs, a great bust line, slim shoulders, nice toes, attractive eyes? Figure it out, literally. Then capitalize on those assets.

The Sexy Ensemble.
So what if your hips stretch for miles? How about concentrating on your neckline, then and getting the sexiest set of plungers ever? Basically you need to get together a wardrobe that camouflages the bulges and accentuates all the curves, but most of all makes you feel comfortable.

Choreograph Your Look.
Throw in some sensuous make-up and matching accessories and you'll divert the attention to the right places!

Ooze Confidence.
Ultimately it's not just about how deep your necklines plunge or how high your mini-skirts ride. It's about feeling comfortable in your clothes and confident enough to carry off what you wear. Once you let this seep into your mental makeup, the style and the sexiness will bounce off automatically. And what's more, your confidence will translate into your own exquisite brand of sexiness.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Joke Time

Marriage Quotes

Married life is full of excitement and frustration:
* In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
* In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
* In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.

It is true that love is blind but marriage is definitely an eye-opener.

Getting married is very much like going to the restaurant with friends. You order what you want, and when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that.

It's true that all men are born free and equal, but some of them get married!

There was this man who muttered a few words in the church and found himself married. A year later he muttered something in his sleep and found himself divorced.

A happy marriage is a matter of giving and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes.

Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad?
Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it.

Son: Is it true? Dad, I heard that in ancient China, a man doesn't know his wife until he marries.
Father: That happens everywhere, son, everywhere!


How to Know if a Guy Likes You

How to Know if a Guy Likes You

Probably the best way to know if a guy likes you is to simply ask him, but we all know that can be a challenge. So, here are a few clues to working out if he likes you as much as you like him.

  1. Examine his body language. If he likes you, you will see that his body position will lean forward toward you.
  2. Keep close. Ever get the feeling that somebody is "in" your personal space - so much so that you want to step back? If he likes you, and you like him, neither of you will step back.
  3. Talk a lot. Does he seem happy to see you?
  4. Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he'll get it and hold it. Again, this can be uncomfortable if you don't like him or vice versa. You'll know if you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, he may be shy.
  5. Be aware of touching. He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, or not move his leg if it happens to touch yours. This is a very good sign that he likes you.


Somebody To Love

Somebody To Love

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

Each morning I get up I die a little

Can barely stand on my feet

Take a look in the mirror and cry

Lord what youre doing to me

I have spent all my years in believing you

But I just cant get no relief,


Somebody, somebody

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

I work hard every day of my life

I work till I ache my bones

At the end I take home my hard earned pay all on my own -

I get down on my knees

And I start to pray

Till the tears run down from my eyes

Lord - somebody - somebody

Can anybody find me - somebody to love?

(he works hard)

Everyday - I try and I try and I try -

But everybody wants to put me down

They say Im goin crazy

They say I got a lot of water in my brain

Got no common sense

I got nobody left to believe

Yeah - yeah yeah yeah

Oh lord

Somebody - somebody

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

Got no feel, I got no rhythm

I just keep losing my beat

Im ok, Im alright

Aint gonna face no defeat

I just gotta get out of this prison cell

Someday Im gonna be free, lord!

Find me somebody to love

Can anybody find me somebody to love?

Happy Feet

I saw the movie Happy Feet and i really like it. Set in an Antarctic emperor penguin colony, the film establishes that every penguin must sing a unique song (called a "Heartsong") to attract a soul mate. This is based in fact, since emperor couples court each other and recognize one another by their unique calls. One particular female,Norma Jean, sings her Heartsong, "Kiss", whereupon the male Memphis sings "Heartbreak Hotel". Norma Jean chooses him as her mate. They couple and Norma Jean lays an egg. The egg is left in Memphis's care while Norma Jean and the other females leave to fish for several weeks. While the males are struggling through the harsh winter, Memphis drops the egg, briefly exposing it to the freezing Antarctic temperatures. The resulting chick - the film's protagonist,Mumble - has a terrible singing voice and later discovers he has no Heartsong. However, Mumble has an astute talent for something that none of the penguins had ever seen before: tap dancing.