Monday, October 15, 2007

Should I 'Go All the Way'?

Should I 'Go All the Way'?

The decision to lose your virginity requires a lot of careful thought. Two important factors to consider are sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and birth control (such as condoms, the "pill," diaphragms, and spermicidal lubricants).

There is a lot of information out there about STIs, and you need to make sure you're aware of the risks, the types of infections, and ways to prevent infections. Pregnancy is another extremely important consideration -- it should not be taken lightly or left up to chance. Do your research about both STIs and pregnancy before making any decisions about having sex.

Peer pressure, morality, religion, and your own values will also play a major role in your decision to have sex. Your decision should be yours alone, rather than your peers'. Make sure you are fully comfortable with your decision on an emotional and spiritual level before you go through with it.


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