Saturday, October 13, 2007

My First Ever

Where should i start? How should i begin this? This is kinda hard for me. I've been posting blogs since last month but it's more of a copy and paste,the easiest way ever.

I want to post and tell about what had happened to me the whole day but when i 'm starting to recall everything,i just don't know where and how to begin and all the words in my head are starting to scramble. They even run and i just can't run after them. Funny but it's true. Maybe I just want it to be very nice and interesting or maybe it's because of my problem of expressing my self using the English dialect. I'm not really that good and i even doubt the words i used and even the grammar. The lack of confidence really affect me. As for now,i guess i don't have to say much and i don't have to think much. I don't want to stress my self. *sigh*

This is just for tonight. I'll post another one next time. A more personal one. Aye? Smile.

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